Wednesday 21 December 2011

Christmas Break

Well, it's that time of year again where exams have finished, Christmas shopping is done, and I've been really serious in catching up on lost sleep. My body just can't get enough sleep these past two days, which is actually really fantastic.

I'm already excited about next semesters (my last semester) classes! Not that I'm excited about not doing anything, but it's gets boring after awhile. Here's my lineup for next term:

CRM 4302 Abolitionism and the Criminal Justice System: My last criminology course I ever have to take. I mean, I love Criminology, it is my major, but after four years it can get old being told all these theories that can help society and reduce crime, but then in reality the politicians don't give a shit and just make stuff up. It's a tiring battle that I don't think I'm made for. This will be my boring class of the term, my last theories course. However, it is the most recent of developed theories in Criminology, so that should make it more interesting. Also, if the textbook is what I think it is, the author is amazing! Nils Christie, who I went to see talk about the Norwegian killings. So it'll be cool to put an author and his ideas with a face.

PSY 3101 The Psychology of Death and Dying: This should be an interesting course. The prof's ratings are kind of 'eh', but that's alright. The prof that I had for two classes during Fall term had similar ratings, but she was awesome. There is also no textbook or coursepack for this class, which is a bonus!

FEM 1100 Introduction to Women's Studies: Not necessarily excited for this one, but it shouldn't be too hard or annoying as an intro class. I needed an elective and it's better than other class choices. I honestly never thought I would be one to take a women's studies class though, blew my mind with that choice.

ENG 2120 Mystery Novel: I am so excited for this one. I've been waiting to take it for a year now, and it's with my favourite (well, only one i've had) english prof on campus. He reminds me of my english prof in Victoria, which is awesome. I've already bought all my books, of course Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes are on the reading list, as well as like ten other books. Including a graphic novel, Batman! Told you he was an awesome prof! Another one of the books is based here in Ontario, so that'll be cool. Can't wait to start reading everything!!

GEO 1301 The Earth and How It Works: This is the other course I am really looking forward to! It's going to be such a nice change to not study anything within the social sciences or arts. This specific geology course is designed for non-science students, so there is no lab, and I believe there is no textbook for this course either! If I were to do a science degree, geology is a top contender as when I was young I wanted to be a palaeontologist, so that would have been cool. And the Earth itself and rocks are interesting, I love anything with Earthquakes (not necessarily being in one).

So that's next term for me! As excited as I am now, I know, like all other students, come March we will all be dying and hating our classes, haha! Summer class length was great, they should do that for all terms, then we could also be done sooner as well.

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