Friday 15 June 2012


Hey guys! Lots have happened since I last posted, so here's a low down!

I've officially graduated from the University of Ottawa! Even though convocation was long (and half in french), it was exciting! Michealle Jean was our new Chancellor and she's so nice! I have much respect for her now and when she was Governor General.

I have moved back to Victoria, and although I do miss Ottawa, it's wonderful! Including the rain and the cold, haha. It feels great to have the freedom of a car and soon my own income again. I've been rehired at Starbucks! The store is barely a year old, so that will be nice. I've also decided that instead of going to law school I'm going to try Software Engineering. I'll be doing upgrading this year since I didn't get into law school, so if I can do the math I'll be enrolling into UVICs BSeng program. I'll still rewrite my LSAT this fall incase it isn't something for me, but I wanted to do engineering in highschool, just not the math, haha. But at this point in my life it seems more exciting and challenging than law, which is something I'm looking for. Both are 4/5 year programs and salary pay afterwards is comparable, so either decision is okay.

Living at home is fantastic! No rent to pay, no food to buy! I love it! I just have to clear out my dad's stuff in my room so I can get into my closet to unpack my suitcases and my boxes. Hopefully in October I can get over to the mainland and IKEA to buy some furniture.

I have a bunch of photos to post from Maui, a sunrise from here in Victoria, and my friends new kitty! I'm also doing that friends engagement photos! I'm really excited!

I'm off to catch up on the Real Housewives of Vancouver and Don't be Tardy for the Wedding :P

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