Saturday 12 November 2011

Christmas Music!

I love christmas music! It invokes such a specific feeling for me. It raises my spirits and makes me want to be productive and creative! I have started working on some diy projects. Can I just say I am in love with chalkboard paint! I bought a square porcelain container to put my tiny Christmas tree in, but it was a gross white and silver so I painted it with the chalkboard paint. I also tied a pretty Christmas bow on it, in purple. This way I can use the container when it's not Christmas!

Michaels was also having a sale on frames, so I bought a really nice 8x10 white frame, where I have painted the glass with the chalkboard paint, and voila! A chalkboard for everyday use! I bought card stock to start my Christmas, but I'm just waiting on the weather now... I need it to snow soon so I can get the photos for those shot! However, snow isn't in the forecast for the next two weeks, ugh.

I went shopping today! I had a 35% off your entire purchase email from Gap, so I bought a really nice wool jacket, a cardigan, a pair of jeans, and a really soft and warm scarf. I also went to Miss Tiggywinkles and bought a LEGO Stormtrooper alarm clock. It is fucking awesome, especially because it's home is right beside my black and white Dalek.

I will take pictures of everything, soon, when I'm not being lazy and can be bothered to do so. I also have to edit my photos from Halifax, write a paper, write my personal statement and do a questionnaire for UBC, prepare my interview questions, and start transcribing that said interview all before Tuesday. Or else I literally won't be getting any sleep next week due to me going to see Jamie Oliver and driving back in the middle of the night Wednesday. It should all be worth it though.

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