Sunday 13 November 2011

Jamie Oliver & the Rest of the Week.

As you may have read, I get to go to Jamie's show in Toronto on Wednesday. Although I am ecstatic and can't wait, it means that I have a shit load of homework to cram into my short days before and after wednesday. I have a paper and some questions to prep tonight (which I'm at Starbucks, already procrastinating). The music is too loud here, but I really don't want to go to the library. I guess I'll have to clean my desk off and do it there.

Jack Johnson is playing right now. It makes me miss home. Well, my other home. Ottawa feels more like home than Victoria now. Maybe that's why I want to move to Vancouver instead of going back to Victoria. All I know is that I miss the mountains more than the ocean. They break up the horizon and endless sky nicely. I mean, there are "mountains" here, but there just the Gatineau Hills, and they don't do much in terms of changing the horizon.

So, Jamie Oliver. I have been waiting close to ten years to meet him. Even though I won't be meeting him this time, seeing him in the flesh, is good enough. It might be the only chance I have to see him. I could wait at the back door, like all my friends are telling me to, and I'm sure my aunt would do it with me. But would that be weird? Would I scare him off, or make a new (amazing) friend? I keep having dreams about this show, where he asks for someone to help him cook on stage and he picks me. God, that would be amazing! I keep wondering if I should wear my brightly coloured, striped sweater just to stand out. That way if he does need to pick someone out, I'm already standing out.

Or maybe not. I'm also scared to go. You know what they say about meeting your heroes. What if he isn't like he really is on his shows. Or what if he is on stage, but then I do happen to meet him backstage and he's an ass? I think I'm also scared because this would've been something I would've wanted to do with my mom. Or at least be able to call her up and be like "OMFG I GET TO SEE JAMIE!!" She would've been ecstatic. Then again, since she's gone, she just might be there anyway, sitting with my aunt and I.

I hope I can take pictures during the thing, or even better film it, that would be awesome! Sorry for the long rambling, as I said I am procrastinating, and what better way to warm up for writing a paper than writing here. I'm surprised I've kept up writing this much. I know it's only been a couple of days, but I am the worst for keeping on top of things.

Ciao for now.

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