Monday 21 November 2011

The Past Week in Rewind

Wow, what a week this past one has been! Toronto, Jamie Oliver, seeing old friends, writing papers, and starting my LSAT prep!

Wednesday morning I got up early. Very early. Like 4am to get to the greyhound station to catch my bus (first ever time on a greyhound bus) to Toronto. I didn't know what to expect, of anything. From the bus ride, to Toronto, to Jamie himself. Well, I thought the bus would be dingier than it was. I'm impressed. I will definitely consider taking Greyhound again for short rides. It was a lot easier to sleep on the bus than on a plane, but I like the monotonous tone of a car driving.

So I arrived in Toronto at 12:30pm, tired, but not too bad. Coming up into Toronto I was a little disappointed. From outside, and far away, the city seemed small. Smaller than Vancouver, which I was not  expecting. But once you were in the city, it seemed massive. There are lots of old buildings mixed with new modern ones, it was really pretty. Except of the guy lighting his crack in the park that we passed right at the edge of the city. I've never gone to a city, by myself, without a car or a gps, so it was weird to feel lost. I sort of knew which direction to go in as I looked online before I left if there were Starbucks' in the area.  Thankfully I found one, well, stumbled on one.

That one cafe ended up being in the Toronto Eaton Centre. A three level, underground shopping mall. Oh. My. God. I didn't know it was this big, because the parking is on top, same with the Starbucks. There were no signs saying "shopping this way," just signs leading downstairs to the subway and to the food court. I had about two hours to kill until I met up with my friend, so I though I would wander to the food court. On my way there I found H&M... which was THREE stories!! And from there the mall opened up. Holy shit. I did buy some things. A toque to match my TNA mittens, as they have a whole, just TNA, store. And I bought some things from Forever 21 because they had a 21+ section, unlike here in Ottawa! There was much more shopping and buying I wanted to do, but I didn't want to carry the bags around.

So I met up with my friend. We hung out until I was supposed to meet my aunt to go to Jamie Oliver's show. Can I just say this: If you have any chance to go to a show by Jamie (either a signing or stage show), go. He is absolutely worth every penny! I got more than my monies worth, and our tickets together cost $200. We were in the second best section, the Mezzanine, as the floor was sold out. I would have paid more for floor without thinking twice about it. We also got his newest North American book, 'Jamie's Great Escapes'.

In Canada he does a more casual show, where he and someone (this time a girl from ET Canada) talk, and talk to us, unlike the formal on stage cooking as outside of Canada. We also had a chance to write down a question for him, and he might answer it. Mine didn't get read, but that's okay. He is funny, well, hilarious, polite, kind, and just everything and more. I was scared that he wouldn't be what I thought, but no worries there, I love him even more now! I learned some interesting cooking tips too! Also when someone asked the classic "boxers or briefs" question, he said whatever made his package look good and make his wife go "ohhh yeahhh", haha! And he also told us he's worn Glad Wrap underwear... haha. When someone shouted what he was wearing now, of course he said commando.

I can guarantee you I will find some way to see him again. This was not my only chance, I'll make sure of that. I'll fly to wherever I need to, to see a show or to a book signing.

After that, I had to transcribe and write a paper on it that was due the next day (well, the bus got in at 530am on Thursday, as I left Toronto around midnight). So I didn't sleep Thursday night, I crashed Friday after I let class early, and had my first class of LSAT prep at 6pm on Friday night. I have finally caught up on my sleep. I had 9 hour LSAT prep classed on saturday and sunday, but it was okay. I actually enjoyed learning. I could tell my brain was actually working, it felt great. The instructor is really cute too, so that helps, haha! I have classes again next weekend, but I don't have anything due or to write, after Tuesday, until the 13th of december for my class finals.

So from now until the LSAT on december 3 I can solely concentrate on that, which will help because the instructor said that december is the worst time for students to write because they are preoccupied with finals, but if you aren't in school (or preoccupied) it's the best time to do well, since the scores are on a bell curve. I might actually get into law school!!! :D :D :D

So, that was my week. It still hasn't snowed, and it's only supposed to be light flurries wednesday, and then light flurries/rain december 1st. Come onnnn snow and winter. This is stupid. Oh, and around friday it's supposed to be a high of 10, are you kidding me?!

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