Friday 2 December 2011

Fucking LSAT

This test is going to be the death of me. I feel like I am going to fail SO badly and that I won't get into law school meaning that I'm completely lost of what to do for next year, until I can apply again. But then a part of me says that no, you'll do fine, you do well under stress, pressure, and in the morning. Which the lsat contains all of.

But can I say I've got Rum, VEX, and wine for tomorrow night. I never drink, but tomorrow night I don't fucking care. I'm going to clean the house, and maybe drink while cleaning. Wouldn't that be fun?! Especially since I don't have to do anything on Sunday if I don't want to. I can afford to waste a day, and then start my finals stuff on Monday.

Screw you school. I going to fucking own you. You are going down.

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