Thursday 1 December 2011

Socially Awkward

I have a love/hate relationship with how easy it is in this world of ours to become unsocial if I want to. Like ordering pizza. I would never order pizza if I had to call in my order and actually speak to someone. But companies like Domino's and PizzaPizza have online ordering, which means I can order whatever the hell I want without that awkward conversation. Essentially, if there was not online ordering, I would never eat take-out. Which is why I hate online ordering, haha, my life might be so much better without ordering pizza.

I have to order, through the phone, not online, more links for my mom's watch because her wrist was a stick compared to mine. But I still haven't done it because I'm socially awkward on the phone, I hate it. I would rather actually talk to someone face to face, even though that is awkward too. And I did go into People's where I bought the watch and they said they didn't carry links. Well la de da.

Online shopping doesn't get me as much though because of shipping costs. Plus I would rather go to the mall and get instant gratification from spending money. Which that in itself is a bad thing because I end up in situations like I am now: broke.

What do you prefer? Online, phone, or face-to-face interactions? Why?


  1. I can't stand phoning people! I had to ring up about a job earlier and it took me hours to work up the courage, then went straight to answer phone. I feel your pain.

  2. I hate when it goes to the answering machine! Especially after working up the courage to phone, because then it's just a let down, haha. And even more stressful because you have to prepare yourself again.
