Thursday 1 December 2011

Ottawa, Y U NO SNO?

Yes, I'm still complaining about the lack of snow. It still hasn't snowed, at least not for longer than a day and it's gone within that day. It is only supposed to snow for three days from now until the 14th, non-consecitively, and one of those days is just "flurries", which I think is tonight. Apparently last time this happened in Ottawa, when it hasn't snowed this late into fall/winter, was the 70's. However, they did pay for it later in the year. If that's the case I might be okay with that. I'd love to experience a major, and I mean major, snowstorm this year. What's that cliché saying? Go out with a bang! It's my last true Canadian winter being in Ottawa, as i'll be moving back to the west coast in June and their winters don't even come close to Ottawa winters!

Not only do I have to find the snow right now, I have to dig deep and find my Christmas spirit! :( It's December first, so I should be excited to put up the Christmas tree, but I don't know if I'll do it today. I'm more scared that the box will be filled with spiders! D: Not cool. I only have school until Tuesday, then final exams period. I'll be officially done on the 16th, thank goodness. I have the lsat saturday, and I am so not looking forward to it. I just need to get it done. I'm ready for a new year, a new term, a new start. Time to finish up my degree, go to Hawaii, go home.

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